Friday, February 10, 2006

OMA cooks up whole stack of Mies for Louisville

"I do not respect Mies," Rem Koolhas has written. "I love Mies . . . I do not revere Mies." Nowhere is this in greater display than in OMA's design, unveiled yesterday, for the $380,000,000 700 foot tall Museum Plaza in Louisville, whose upper reaches look like Koolhaas and OMA design partner Joshua Prince-Ramus took Mies' IBM and Seagram Buildings and stashed them atop a high shelf. Read all about it here.


  1. That is an interesting design. Louisville is such a progressive and artsy city, I'm not surprised that a design like this is proposed down there.

  2. The part about lifting the art museum up into position reminds me of when they lifted the roof of the New National Gallery in Berlin (by Mies) into position.

  3. Forget about reading about it. See the incredible video at:

  4. Anonymous1:11 AM

    This is the biggest mess I've ever seen, what a terrible design. The 1960's are behind us, don't repeat them.

  5. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I have to agree with Mason. I live in Louisville and am a long-time lover of the local architecture. This monstrosity couldn't be worse for the skyline or the urban context as a whole. It's a ridiculous and juvenile design.

    If they were going to rip off a famous architect, why did it have to be the most boring of them all? Mies was a hack.

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM

    It is a hideous joke...Like this will ever be built anyway...
