Monday, September 18, 2006

Emerging Chicago Architecture - Sexton, Ronan, Felsen and Dunn and their buildings - on one time only CAF tour

Here's one you've got to assume will fill up fast. On Saturday, October 7th, beginning at 10:30 A.M., the Chicago Architecture Foundation will be offering a one-time-only bus tour, Emerging Chicago, where three of Chicago's most distinctive new buildings will be discussed - by their architects. Mark Sexton of Krueck & Sexton will discuss the new Spertus Institute on South Michigan, now under construction; John Ronan will provide commentary on his just-opened Comer Youth Center in Grand Crossing, and UrbanLab's Martin Felsen and Sarah Dunn will conduct a tour of their South Side home and studio. And if that's not enough, writer Philip Berger will also be tagging along to provide his own perspective. The tour costs $40.00 for CAF members, $45.00 for non-members, making it not only a great opportunity but an exceptional value. CAF members can reserve tickets by phone; the rest of us can go through Ticketmaster


  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I'm pretty sure that bottom picture is a Perkins & Will project.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Yes, to anonymous comment who said "I'm pretty sure that bottom picture is a Perkins and Will project." It is Ralph Johnson's Perkins and Will Perspectives Charter School at State/Archer.
    Thanks, Lynn, for publicizing CAF's upcoming "Emerging Chicago Architecture."
    Nancy Cook, CAF docent, and organizer with Jason Neises, CAF, and Maurice Champagne, CAF docent, of "Emerging Chicago Architecture."
