Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chicago Streetscene - Clash of Generations on North Avenue


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    gah! That building frightens me deeply.

  2. I've long felt that monstrosity is hands down the ugliest building in Chicago. It's not just bland but agressively, proudly proclaims its tastelesness. I imagine the residents proudly wearing 80's fashions and bad toupes while blasting Lawrence Welk on the stereo.

  3. Anonymous10:01 PM

    It's so bad it's good. I wonder if its notoriety increases the unit prices.

  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    In my Meinung good Architecture will bring something new to the table yet respect and perhaps even compliment it's surrounding environment.

  5. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The thing that we can say with certainty about the building on the left is that if someone proposes demolishing it in 25 years, preservationists will have a fit.

  6. It tries (and succeeds) to be different and unique, unlike so much modern architecture, and for that I like it. But yeah, the two definitely don't fit together.
