Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Herda added to Rosa, Somol, at Chicago Architectural Club Event TONIGHT

As if Art Institute Curator Joe Rosa and new UIC School of Architecture Director Robert Somol aren't enough, the Chicago Architectural Club has also added Sarah Herda, the new Director of the Graham Foundation to their program tonight. It's open to the public, and it begins tonight, Tuesday, October 23rd, at 6:30 P.M. at Jak's Tap, 901 West Jackson Boulevard.


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    According to the Graham Foundation website, Ms. Herda became the Graham director in July 2006. The Graham under Carter Manny and Richard Solomon had a terrific public lecture series. That seems to have ended. I wonder what Ms. Herda is planning for the foundation?

  2. Sarah Herda actually talked - very briefly - about public programs. She appears to be in the process of rethinking and redeveloping the public programs at the Graham. On their website, there's been a teaser listing for a November event with Cecil Balmond, but there are still no details or date.
