Monday, March 31, 2008

Tribune slams Children's Museum land grab "travesty", Germania on Landmarks agenda

The Chicago Tribune's Sunday editorial The Grant Park land grab capably dissects the Chicago Children's Museum's curdled campaign to deploy raw political muscle to ram a new building into Grant Park against overwhelming "public revulsion . . . Is there no voice of reason and courage in their ranks?" the Trib asks. The editorial's final paragraphs puts the situation in a clear light:
". . let's not pretend this project is about putting children at the center of our city or any other sentimental platitude. Because this land grab isn't really about children.

This land grab is about clout."
Elsewhere, on the Germania Club front, after 42nd alderman Brendan Reilly urged the Commission on Chicago Landmarks to consider landmarking the historic 1888 Germania Club after the property was recently acquired by powerhouse strip mall developer Kimco Realty, the Commission has placed consideration of the Germania, along with the adjacent 1916 Village Theater, on the agenda for this Thursday's monthly meeting as "preliminary landmark recommendations".

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely image of skaters in the park, Lynn. It is so nice to see this beautiful scene of adults and children playing in a peaceful, open space. Well worth the trouble to protect this, isn't it?
