Sunday, June 22, 2008

Calatrava's Chicago Spire Completed!

In another I-could-kick-myself moment, I've been reminded I've neglected to write about an amazing event, Brickworld 2008, where Lego freaks convene and exhibit their work. The ballroom of the Westin Hotel at 601 N. Milwaukee in Wheeling is filled with models that include some of the world's most prominent buildings.
I didn't make it, but our indefatigable correspondent Bob Johnson did, and he's provided these pictures. He also writes of meeting Lego artist extraordinaire - and Brickworld founder - Adam Reed Tucker, AIA, whose website Brickstructures includes photos of his Lego renderings of such classics as Trump Tower, 7 South Dearborn, the unbuilt project that was designed to the world's tallest building, and the Burj Dubai, which has now taken that title.

Today, Sunday, is the last day you can visit
. $12.00 for adults, $8.00 for kids under ten, open 10:00 a.m. to 3:00. p.M.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:25 PM


    Daddy, can I have one, please? I'll mow the year for a month without complaining.
