Sunday, May 16, 2010

Alexander Lehnerer and team win 1st Prize in CAC's Mine the Gap Competition

We'll have more about this later, but for now, we'll tell you that a team lead by architect and UIC professor Alexander Lehnerer won first prize in the Chicago Architectural Club's Mine the Gap competition for ideas on what to do with the hole left behind by the collapse of the proposal t0 build a Santiago Calatrava designed Chicago Spire. Here's a report from Fox News.

And here are the boards of the winning entry, The Second Sun, Alex Lehnerer, Team Leader, Meghan Funk, Lyndsay Pepple, Chicago, Illinois. (click on images for larger view)Second Place: Return to Paradise - Giacomo Bongiorno, Team Leader, Thomas Bormann, Djamel Kara, Paris, France.
Third Place: Lot 400 - Mohamad Hafez, Team Leader, Maegen M. McElderry, Hamden, Connecticut

More info and images to come.


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "What a rip off"

    this is totally a MAD Architects rip off for the "contemplating the void" project.
    I want my 50 dlls back!!!!!
    The instructor must have split the prize money with the jury.
    I cannot believe anybody in their right mind could actually think that this is a clever idea but a really STUPID one.
    I still cant believe that guy is an architecture instructor!! what a shame for chicago architecture.

    Im serious about my 50 dlls you thieves!

    Vinny Himself

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    just to prove my point for this plagiarizer

    vinny himself

  3. and, by your argument, MAD is a ripoff of diller scofidio + renfro hirshhorn

    actually, 3 separate projects; 3 different ideas. all balloons are not alike.

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    If you want balloons, watch 'Up'.

    At least Vinny will know what idea to use next time.

  5. My goodness, such venom. I think the winning project is simply beautiful. I'd love to see it built. I bet 'the big yellow balloon' would attract as much attention (and revenue) for the city as does the 'big silver bean.'

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM
