Sunday, December 26, 2010

Angel of Peace and Mayor of Daley: Separated at Birth?

To the left is sculptor William H. Kieffer's Angel of Peace, which can be found at the Chicago Episcopal Diocese Center and Plaza on east Huron.  To the right is Mayor Richard M. Daley, who can be found, at least until next May, in Chicago's City Hall.  It's a remarkable image by Chicago Sun-Times master photographer Al Podgorski that perfectly captures a moment in the life of a city and its long-time leader that expresses, all at once, relief, power, exuberance and anxiety.  It's the perfect counterpoint to John J. Kim's shot of a side-glancing Rod Blagojevich leaving his trial and climbing into a limo.  Altogether, there are ten eloquent and striking images in the Best Sun-Times photos of 2010.  They remind us of what the blogosphere can't replicate: a professional photojournalism that combines an expert eye with being able to be at the right place at the right time.  Check out the full version of Podgorski's Daley portrait and all the other CST best photos here.

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