Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sculptor Marshall Svendsen's eagle lands along Diversey Harbor

click images for larger view
Here's some of my usual noisy, technically challenged video on sculptor Marshall Svendsen's sculpture, Chicago Industrial, being installed at Diversey Harbor, September 19, 2012.  The aluminum and steel sculpture is one of 53, from Andy Scott's The Kelpies at the Museum Campus to Bob Emser's Windsurfer at Belmont Harbor, in the Chicago Park District/Chicago Sculpture International Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition.  (You can see a map with the name, artist and location of all the sculptures here.

On Wednesday, Svendsen was assisted by fellow sculptors Terrence Karpowicz, Ted Sitting Crow Garner, and Eric Stephenson, as well as two students currently studying at the School of the Art Institute.  The event was photographed by Jyoti Srivastava, and the process was carefully monitored from the truck by Ziggy.
The installation is part of Activate Chicago with Sculpture, four separate shows, from the lakefront (through August of 2013), to the Chicago Arts District in Pilsen, to the Lincoln Park Conservatory (through November 3rd), to the Lill Street Gallery (through October 14), showcasing both indoor and outdoor art in all sizes, small to monumental, leading up to the International Sculpture Center's 2012 conference, being held this year in Chicago, October 4-6. 
And if that's not enough, there's also the Chicago Sculpture Exhibit 2012, with 30 large-scale sculptures on exhibit in locales from Bucktown to Lakeview.  And Expo Chicago 2012, this weekend at Navy Pier.
As you might have imagined, October is Chicago Artists Month.

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