A daily blog on architecture in Chicago, and other topics cultural, political and mineral.
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Imagine a tropical paradise filled with fun and adventure. You’re climbing up the side of a waterfall with the mist spraying in your face. Now imagine a vast desert that seems to stretch as far as the eye can see. What if you could travel Earth in a day? Today, in the year 2537, Città Sotto Ghiaccio, located under the oceans of Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, provides its citizens a healthy lifestyle in a thriving economy.No that's not the new series on the
"One of the most colorful social rituals of the time was the Sunday promenade down Grand Boulevard in the summer, where thousands of expensive carriages majestically bore the wealthy to the race track south of Washington Park."(Was Chicago's elite a cabal of godless heathen, the builders of the city spending the Lord's day in ostentatious parades and gambling on the ponies?)
Gustavo Dudamel (conducting without a score) violently contrasted the two [aspects of Shostakovich's Tenth], concentrating on hushed textures and interplay of lines in the former and ejaculating the brisker passages with horrifying, agitated urgency.But you don't have to take Paxton's word for it. You can listen to the entire blazing performance on the Proms website - again for one week only. Would that the unions would allow such real-time broadcasts here. (A couple years ago, union restrictions resulted in the yanking of a broadcast of a Cleveland Orchestra Proms concert from the Proms website.)
“Steve was an enthusiastic and devoted volunteer and loved to give CAF tours, especially those teaching young children about the “secrets of skyscrapers.” CAF volunteers and staff will join together on August 19th to give the tours Steve cherished so much to raise money to help support his family. Special Structure: The Secret of Skyscrapers tours will be given for families in Steve’s honor. All of CAF’s regularly scheduled walking tours will also be given in tribute to Steve, and the money collected will be donated to the Rachel McKee Family Assistance Fund.”Walking tour tickets will be the regular price of $15.00 for adults, $12.00 for students and seniors. A special slideshow companion to Erik Larson’s best-selling novel, Devil in the White City will be shown and narrated by CAF docents, with a minimum entry charge of $20.00 CAF will also be collecting individual donations at the event, and through on-line contributions.
Systematizing a Sustainable Natural Food Ecosystem - develop a long-range plan for a sustainable, natural food cycle with the partnering Notebaert Nature Museum.For more information, visit the Archeworks website, or call 312/867.7254
Bid for the 2016 Olympics - work with local government and neighborhood groups to ensure planning and development for the Summer Olympics in 2016 connects to the broader community landscape.
Design of Products for Stroke Survivors - partner with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) to explore design applications for improving work and home life of stroke survivors, with a specific focus on aphasia.