Thursday, April 29, 2010

Archeworks Final Semester Review Tonight, Bertrand Goldberg archives on Saturday

In what I'm fairly confident will be the last addition to the April calendar, Archeworks, Chicago's alternative design school, will be holding it's year-end Student Final Presentation and review of current projects, including the design of Pocket Parks for two vacant sites in Little Village, a Native Seed Farm project on two Bridgeport sites, and a Mobile Food Collective, "a family of mobile structures that inspire people to play a more active role in the origin, growth, and preparation of fresh foods, and to create a more participatory food culture." The event is open to the public, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at Archeworks, 625 N. Kingsbury, at Ontario. RSVP online.

And, thanks to Marina City Online, we bring you news of a lecture Saturday, May 1st, at the Art Institute, where Sarah Whiting, dean of architecture at Rice University will discuss the Ryerson and Burnham libraries archives of architect Bertrand Goldberg. It's from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., in the Morton Auditorium, on the lower level of the Art Institute, 111 S. Michigan. The lecture is free with the basic $18.00 admission.

The AIC's big show on Goldberg has been pushed back to the fall of 2011. For now, in addition to the lecture, there's an excellent new book on Goldberg's masterpiece, Marina City: Bertrand Goldberg's Urban Vision, by Igor Marjanovic and Katerina Rüedi Ray. I hope to be writing more about this outstanding overview soon, but it offers up a wealth of history, photographs, drawings and perspective about Goldberg's visionary mixed-used complex - its architecture, origins, and import.

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