Yes, we're still adding items to the February calendar. (Wait until you see March.)
The School of Architecture at IIT is bringing in architects Francois Roche & Stephanie Lavaux, of R&Sie(n), Paris to deliver the Duchampian monikered lecture next Monday, February 25th, at 6:00 P.M. in the Center Core of Crown Hall, 3360 South State.
In preparation, here is the transcript of a lecture Roche gave at Columbia last September, and here is the transcript of an interview he gave to Benedict Clouette at about the same time.

Here is a video of that interview, centered on Roche's hands and a pastry because "I prefer to depersonalize the identity of the architect, rather than to represent myself by my avatar. I prefer a part of myself without it being my face."
And, finally, here is the grisly aftermath of that interview, a carnage of remains of the now annihilated and consumed croissant, scattered across the table in cruel and casual display, even.

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