Saturday, September 03, 2005


Chicago Helps

The American Red Cross

The Salvation Army

Archinect has set up a disaster relief/adopt an architect web page here. Tulane University in New Orleans has cancelled its fall semester and is working to help its students to enroll as temporary students at other institutions.

Locally, IIT also has a web page up for support, and with information for students displaced by Katrina who are "interested in transferring to IIT" The University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana is also working to assist displaced students. Contact the Office of Admissions and Records at 217/333-0302.

And if you are as outraged by the complacency, misplaced economies and lack of preparation of our leaders as you are blown away by the bravery and selflessness of the rescue workers, medical personnel, and guardsmen, record exactly how you feel today in a note, and paste it into your calendar for the dates of November 6th, 2006, and November 3rd, 2008.


Anonymous said...

Why don't people get it about the Bush administration? His approval ratings were still in the 40% range last week before all of this happened. This guy should be at 0%, and he should have been at 0% from the time that it was 'confessed' no WMD were found. This is just another mess-up in a LONG line of mess-ups. Bagdad or New Orleans - America, do we all get it now?

Anonymous said...

Did you read the two editorials in the Sunday Sept. 4 Tribune - a long one about design and planning titled "Newer Orleans" with a nice sentence about profits and prophets in the history of American urban disasters - and alongside it the paper's well-known "Cheer Up" editorial from Oct. 11, 1871. The consolations of history paired with some useful forward thinking.