While Chicago is well known for its architecture, theatre, fine art, public landscaping, and music scenes, there is a significant lack of applied visual arts in public spaces. By focusing on making this exhibition an outdoor one, we hope to accomplish two important objectives. First, we want posters to be realized as the quintessential public art form, because they engage citizens at street level, requiring an emotional and intellectual response. They also stimulate dialogue and articulation of important issues—social, political, and economic. Secondly, we want to help the City of Chicago craft its international reputation as a proponent of international cooperation and communication—and as a strong civic advocate of design.International poster biennials have been held worldwide from Warsaw to Helsinki, Hangzhou to Tehran, but this is the first event of its kind to be held in the United States.
You can find the rules for the competition here. President of the jury will

An opening night reception for members of the jury will be held at Mies van der Rohe's Crown Hall at IIT on Saturday June 7th from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. It's free for Biennial members, with a suggested donation of $20.00 for non-members. Space is said to be limited. RSVP to Aude Charmetant at 312/494.5250 or email to: aude@legendrerutter.com. An exhibition of jury members' work will be open to the public from June 8 through the 10th, 10 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

It looks to be a hell of a show. Preview it here.
Wow Lynn ... and imagine how many more thousands of people would enjoy this exhibition if the Children's Museum were in the park.
Oh and disclaimer: my boyfriend works for someone who knows someome who may have gone to the museum once.
The Biennial will have the common courtesy to clean up and leave when they leave. The Museum would be the guest from hell, plopping down a matrix of convoluted ramps and never leaving.
And no, Howard Rosenburg isn't a friend of a friend of a friend. He's the husband of a Children's Museum employee and, until last month, a principal attorney at the Museum's law firm. If you can't see the difference, you need to stop drinking the kool-aid.
The guest from hell that brings the best hostess gift I have ever heard of ... a new zillion dollar field house (and a great museum to boot).
As for Howard Rosenberg -- who the hell cares who he is. Do you think all of my neighbors on Randolph who have been writing letters have given their address so we know their affiliation?
And why not acknowlege that Mr. Rosenberg is correct in bringing up the deceipt that the locals have perpetrated? Is the banner on the save grant park website the area where the museum will be built. NO.
"who the hell cares who he is?" Well, let's put it this way. If Mr.Rosenburg concealed his vested interests in his professional practice like he does when he shills for the Museum, he'd be subject to, depending on the specific circumstances, ABA sanction, disbarment, or perhaps even criminal prosecution.
Disgorging little kids from buses on exhaust filled lower Randolph into a below grade museum built out of a parking garage is "Yummy" the same way a Hostess Twinkie is "Yummy," and equally devoid of real nutrition. And as much as I may crave an occasional Twinkie, it doesn't follow that I want them taking over my front lawn.
Oh who cares anymore I really wish they would just open a DSW Shoe Warehouse and a Baja Fresh. It would fill that gross void and be a place people actually wanted to go. Its kind of too bad that they already relocated the Pacific Garden Mission.
sounds great, looking forward to it..................
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