Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Jesse White Community Center discussed by Ghafari's Joseph Gonzalez lunchtime today at CAF

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I had hoped to finish the story I'm doing on Ghafari's recently-opened Jesse White Community Center last week,  but personal obligations intervened.  Today, however, Wednesday November 12th, you have the opportunity to hear architect Joseph Gonzalez of Ghafari Associates talk about the design at a lunchtime lecture at the Chicago Architecture Foundation, 12:15 p.m., at 224 South Michigan.
The JWCC is a striking building that's at a gateway location to the redeveloping former site of the demolished Cabrini-Green public housing towers, providing the first permanent home to the Jesse White tumblers since the group's founding in 1959.
The 30,800 square-foot-, $12.8 million project includes  "fitness and assembly rooms, community meeting rooms, locker rooms,  upper floor will contain private offices and conference rooms, as well as a balcony overlooking the gymnastics room."
Look for the complete story here soon.
More information on today's lecture here.

1 comment:

Justin Lawrence said...

Wow! Thanks for this post!! Actually I am coming to Chicago for the inauguration of my brother’s new business and we will have a meeting regarding our agenda of new business. So I am looking for some meeting rooms in Chicago that allows more that 220 people. Have you any recommendations?