Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beauty and the Beasts on Boul Mich

A shy groom, a radiant bride. A recent Saturday found us capturing these pictures of a wedding party taking pictures in the middle of Michigan Avenue just north of the bridge.

Meanwhile, just across the street, J. Seward Johnson's towering cupronickel King Lear statue, managing to look vaguely Christ and alien-like at the same time, is now doing some big time brooding in Pioneer Court. Is it just me, or is John Kearney's anatomically correct, automobile bumper Moose looking none too happy fitted with Cordelia's mantle and having his former privileged position on the plaza so rudely usurped?


Tom said...

Although she is indeed radiant, she looks like she could use a sandwich

Anonymous said...

saying that she looks "radiant" is charitable at best. fake bake is more like it.

Keisha Kornbread said...

Radiant? I was thinking more like radiation!!