In 1955, it represented "Excellence in Architecture" according to that year's AIA Chicago design awards. Today, it's coagulated landfill. Scaffolding has climbed up the streamlined 17-story high slabs of Schmidt, Garden & Erikson's Lakeside Veterans Hospital, which was closed by the VA in 2003, and demolition is well under way. A new project, as yet undisclosed, will incorporate the site into the Northwestern Hospital/Rehabilitation Institute campus. Do you notice Bertrand Goldberg's Prentice Hospital looking a bit nervous and sweaty as it overlooks the deconstruction?

This is incredible!
No community notification by the alderman or for that matter the preservation groups. Perhaps they were not apprised either. Very disappointing!
Even under the reign of Natarus, for the most part you knew if something was doomed and about to topple. More powerful than the alderman, richer than the Saudi's— long live tax exempt Northwestern!
God help them if they come for Prentice. Preservationists have been pushing for landmark protection for Prentice for years.
Why hasn't Daley given the go ahead for landmarking? Does Northwestern have him sewn up?
At least Brendan Reilly listened to neighborhood groups and saved the Lake Shore Athletic Club.
Hopefully, Reilly will do the same, i.e., get off the fence and push for landmarking of Prentice. Reilly can start speaking out whether Daley wants it or not. Daley could be embarrassed into agreeing to landmarking. One can dream!
This hospital, regardless of what the AIA in 1955 thought, is a terrible, terrible eyesore. To put it in the same category as Goldberg's Prentice is a crime. While they're at it, they ought to tear down Abbot Hall on LSD.
this is terrible i wonder what it looks like now after all that time
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