Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bad Buildings We Love: 530 North Lake Shore Drive

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530 North Lake Shore Drive,


Anonymous said...

How is this a bad building ???? This building is by far the nicest and most well kept ive lived in, all my guests comment on how great the staff is and how convenient the amenities are, so please do not give such a wondeful building a bad rep.

Anonymous said...

I live in this building and it is a gorgeous building with a staff that is excellent. I have never lived in a better run building. You obviously do not know what you are talking about.

LS said...

I think that the title says Bad building we love. It does´t mean that the author of this blog dislikes it. It just comments on the building and that it is bad. It can be because it is too high in comparison with surroundings, because of the materials used etc.
For me, this building is not looking good. But it definitely has its own atmosphere and history, which make it unique.
Imagine that all the Industrial Architecture that is 100 yrs old was ugly back then, but nowadays, it turns to be one of the most interesting architecture Chicago and other cities own.

Anonymous said...

modular buildings
I am in love with your style. Love this building you designed.i am really happy to see your blog.